
A Napoleonic wargame surprise

Event cards can introduce surprise and challenge for the solo wargamer, taking his or her game in an different and sometimes totally unexpected direction....


Happy birthday D&D

Seems that it was the 40th anniversary of the original release of D&D on the 26th January, who would have thought it would still be around. Read a darn good book about a young man's experiences with D&D a couple of years ago, look for The Elfish Gene by Mark Barrowcliffe, I can heartily recommend it.

Mmmmmmm...... cake, off to the kitchen now.


Sketch Book

I've added a sketches page to the blog where I'll include 'extras'. To begin with, I've shown the model headshots I worked up for Leo and Josie.

Girl's Night

Sometimes a little knowledge can be useful, especially when your husband is an irritating distraction!

The Spartan

Hellloooooo and welcome to the blog, which will be in the form of an ongoing cartoon strip about our hero LEO, his wife JOSIE and their children. 

I've created one or two strips before and this one is based on one of my hobbies, playing games. The first dozen or so strips were created in a flurry of excitement when I thought that this might be an idea that could work in print magazines.

That doesn't look like it will happen, but rather than put them in a drawer to be forgotten, I thought I'd publish on the net and hope that they raise a smile, or at least a weak grin.

So the first strip I drew...The Spartan, where Leo lets his big imagination hang out for all to see.

Plus, it doesn't matter if other people understand or not!